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Guidepost Montessori Virtual School FlipBook

COVID required our schools to pivot to virtual learning.
I initiated the creation of this FlipBook that replaced
in-person tours and one-to-one meetings with parents
and heads of schools. It was an enormous success and currently still being used. Click here to view the FlipBook. 

Educational Measures eBook

Educational Measures is an engagement tech service and their product is Array, a presentation software solution. I was initially hired to create print and digital ads, but this grew to creating ebooks. Here are selected pages from their first 17 page book.

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Guidepost Montessori Toileting Book

This book was created as a gift for enrolled families as well as an Amazon book choice. These are a few sample pages from this 68-page book. I had some flexibility for imagery, but had the option to choose images that better fit the space.

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Refugee Foster Care

The task was to create a cookbook featuring recipes
from foster care families. The challenge was to edit recipes that were handwritten, photocopied, and/or poorly written.
Also, many photos were unusable so I needed to source
new ones. This 84-page cookbook was a labor of love and incredibly rewarding.


Guidepost Montessori Parent Handbook

The challenge was to design a parent handbook that was scalable as schools were added. The page count was anywhere from 28-60+ with varying content depending on the location of the school. My style sheets and callouts needed to be adaptable and consistent. I created the first handbook when we had fewer than 10 schools, and my template remained tight after the 90th school was added.

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DreamSculpt Media Book Covers

DreamSculpt is an integrated model that focuses on development of distinctly branded books and authentic author platforms. I was contracted by the company to
refresh their
logo (see identity) as well as design several
book covers. 


Farah & Farah

The challenge of this motivational employee handbook  
was drilling down the best way to present the material.
I suggested using a leather binder that included a notes section to elevate the meaning of the content, as well as encourage frequent usage. These are sample pages from the 20-page book.

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Avon Products Editorial Inserts

I worked in the external communications department, designing and producing the company newspaper.

Each month we featured a 4-page insert highlighting a current initiative. These are samples from two inserts.
They were very motivating to our representatives as
well as the company employees. Distribution was a half million every 2 weeks in English and Spanish.

© 2023 by Susan Kelly. All rights reserved.

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